Visitors who love and appreciate the Botanic Garden now have the opportunity to personally support it and its further development as members of our newly founded Friends of the Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V. (short "BOGA Friends").
Anyone who would like to support the Botanic Garden with a donation can now do so via the BOGA Friends (IBAN: DE96 4306 0129 0145 7520 00). Many thanks to all those who think of us!
For an annual fee of just 40 Euros (20 Euros for young adults, senior citizens and the disabled) you can become a Friend of the Botanic Garden.
On May 11 2023, 41 passionate friends of the Botanic Garden of the Ruhr University gathered to found the new charity "Friends of the Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-University Bochum", short "BOGA Friends".
The board of the newly created "BOGA Friends" (from left to right): Julia Steffen (staff Botanic Garden, Secretary), Dr. Andreas Eickhoff (notary of Aulinger & Partner), Prof. Dr. Joachim Esser (eye specialist, Chair), Abraham van Veen (Director of LSI, Vice-Chair), Gerhard Möller (former RUB chancellor, elected member of the extended board), Dr. Franziska Roosen (independent editor, elected member of the extended board), Prof. Dr. Christopher Grefen (Chair Molecular & Cellular Botany, member of the board as Director of the Botanic Garden). Klaus Haarmann (financial auditor), was elected Treasurer in absentia and is therefore not shown in the photo above.
"The newly founded charity, briefly called "BOGA Friends", will provide vital support for the Botanic Garden in the future", says the garden's director, Prof. Dr. Christopher Grefen. This is also confirmed by the five honorary board members (see photo), who explained their personal connections with the Botanic Garden at the founding evening and already mentioned projects the new charity will focus on.