Visitors who would like to find out more about plants or the history and the structure of the Botanic Garden can purchase the following publications from the reception of the Botanic Garden during our regular opening times. We can also mail items if postage is paid extra.

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Bean, Peanut and Mimosa- fabulous Fabaceae [text in German]

Cover Broschüre Fabelhafte Fabaceae

Association of Botanic Gardens (Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V.), 2021 - Concept, Text and Editing: Dennise Bauer, Stefan Brändel, Christopher Grefen, Kerstin Reifenrath, Marco Schmidt, Wolfgang Stuppy & Felicitas Wöhrmann.

An exhibition as part of the Week of Botanic Gardens 2024

Peas, beans or lentils - for most people, pulses are simply vegetables, but the legume family (Fabaceae) has much more to offer. Get to know this huge group of plants better with this exhibition. Whether useful, delicious or breathtakingly beautiful: their incredible diversity will amaze you!

The topics covered by the exhibition include:

- nitrogen fixation with the help of nodule bacteria
- pollination by animals
- living together with ants
- the colourful variety of seeds and fruits
- botanical jewels from seeds
- beceivers in the plant kingdom
- the most beautiful flowering trees in the tropics
- the leaf movements of the mimosa
- Gregor Mendel - the pea counter from the monastery garden
- Indigo - the colour of kings

The 15 chapters on various topics are supplemented by 32 plant portraits in which individual species of legumes are presented.

The 85-page book accompanying the exhibition contains all the contents of the exhibition as well as 3 different guest contributions.

Price: 12,00 €

New Natives - Globalisation in the Plant World [text in German]

Association of Botanic Gardens (Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V.), 2021 - Concept, Text and Editing: Alexandra Kehl, Marianne Lauerer, Kerstin Reifenrath, Marco Schmidt, Stephanie Socher, Hilke Steinecke

An exhibition on the occasion of the "Week of Botanic Gardens 2021/2022" dedicated to the topic of "invasive plants".

This brochure documents the manifold problems and challenges posed by introduced plant species, which have made Germany or other parts of the world their new home. Everything worth knowing about travel routes and the characteristics of plants and locations that favor invasiveness is explained. The role played by botanical gardens and private gardens as a breeding ground for the spread of neophytes in the past is not concealed. 14 chapters explaining the problem of invasive plants are complimented by 36 fact sheets with information on individual plant species that have become native to our country or other parts of the world.

The 80-page brochure offered here contains all the exhibition content in a practical take-away format, supplemented by two guest contributions.

Price: 8,00 €

Explorers, Collectors, Plant Hunters - in the Footsteps of Humboldt et al. [text in German]

Association of Botanic Gardens (Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V.), 2019 - Concept and Editing: Annelie Dau, Nils Köster & Boris Schlumpberger
An exhibition on the occasion of the "Week of Botanic Gardens 2019" to commemorate Alexander von Humboldt's 250th birthday.

This exhibition was dedicated to the lives of men and women who travelled to the remotest corners of the Earth as plant hunters in order to discover new and precious plant species. In doing so, they often risked their health and lives. In this book accompanying the exhibition you can learn more about the exciting life histories of these plant hunters.

Price: 7,00 €

Garden Theatre - Plants in Shakespeare's World [text in German]

Association of Botanic Gardens (Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V.), 2016 - Concept & Texts: Stefan Schneckenburger
An exhibition on the occasion of the "Week of Botanic Gardens 2016" to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespears's death.

"Shakespeare kann ein Türöffner für einen spezifisch literarischen Zugang zu Pflanzen und Gärten sein - ein legitimer Ansatz, den PD Dr. Stefan Schneckenburger in dieser Ausstellung zur Woche der Botanischen Gärten im 400. Todesjahr Shakespeares 2016 ausleuchtet."

"Shakespeare can be a door opener for a literary access to plants and gardens. In this exhbition PD Dr. Stefan Schneckenburger demonstrates that this is a perfectly legitimate approach."

Price: 7,00 €

Darwin's Garden - Discovering Evolution [text in German]

Association of Botanic Gardens (Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V.), 2009 - Concept: Stefan Schneckenburger & Ralf Omlor
An exhibition on the occasion of the "Darwin-Year" 2009

"Der Verband Botanischer Gärten stellt mit der Ausstellung "Darwins Garten - Evolution entdecken" einen weitgehend unbekannten Aspekt in den Mittelpunkt: Charles Darwin ist nicht nur der Begründer der modernen Evolutionstheorie, er war auch ein bedeutender Botaniker."

"With the exhibition entitled "Darwin's Garden - discovering evolution" the Association of Botanic Gardens highlights a little known fact: Charles Darwin is not only the founder of modern evolutionary theory but he was also a prominent botanist"

Price: 4,00 €


by Zhang Zhenshan, translated by Chen Fei and others - bilingual [Chinese & German], Deutsch-Chinesische Verlagsanstalt, 2015

Anyone who would like to find out more about the popular Chinese Garden in the Botanical Gardens of Ruhr-University Bochum can get first-hand information here. This richly illustrated book was written by the architect of the Chinese Garden himself, Prof. Zhang Zhenshan, who taught architecture, urban planning and landscape design at the renowned Tongji University in Shanghai. The author not only explains and shows how his idea of the Chinese Garden in Bochum came about and what the individual parts of the garden mean, but also gives the reader an exciting and professional introduction to the philosophy behind Chinese garden design.

Price: 10,00 €
(for shipping there is an additional €5.00 for postage and packaging)

The Botanic Garden - Planning and Construction 1965-1989 [text in German]

by Karl Esser, 2015

"In diesem Buch habe ich versucht, über die Entstehung, den Aufbau, die Funktionen und die Bedeutung zu berichten, die der Botanische Garten innerhalb der Ruhr-Universität, aber auch in der Stadt Bochum erlangt hat. Sicherlich ist meine Ansicht der Dinge subjektiv, aber beseelt von meiner Hinneigung zu diesem Objekt, das mir während meiner langjährigen Tätigkeit in Bochum sehr am Herzen lag."


"In this book, I have attempted to report about the origin, construction, role and significance which the Botanic Garden has reached within the Ruhr-University and the City of Bochum. Certainly, my views are personal but they carry my devotion to this place which was very important to me during my many years in Bochum."

Price: 8,00 €

Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-University Bochum

Concept and Topics of the Outdoor in 75 Interpetation Panels [text in German] - by Annette Höggemeier & Bernd Kirchner, 2004

"Pflanzen sind noch schöner, wenn man versteht, warum sie so sind, wie sie sind. Manches ist dabei sehr kompliziert und man hat es am Ende eines langen Forscherlebens immer noch nicht wirklich verstanden. Vieles ist aber nicht so schwierig und wir haben uns im Garten bemüht, solche Zusammenhänge auf Schautafeln so darzustellen, dass man sie auch ohne Fachstudium verstehen kann... Dieses Heft umfasst einen Teil der Schautafeln, die im Laufe der Jahre für das Freiland erarbeitet und zu einem Begleiter für die Themenfelder "Geobotanik", "Lehrpflanzungen" und "Einzelne Pflanzenarten" zusammen gewachsen sind. Der Führer erläutert die inhaltliche Konzeption des Botanischen Gartens der Ruhr-Universität."

"Plants are more beautiful if one comprehends why they are the way they are. Some things about plants are very complicated and even after life-long research, there are lots of things one does not fully understand. However, there are many things about plants which are not so complicated and we have made an effort in the Botanic Garden to explain matters in a way that can be understood by everybody, not just by specialists in the field... This booklet contains part of the interpretation panels that we have produced over the years for the outdoor areas of the Botanic Garden and explains its concept and structure."

Price: 5,00

Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-University Bochum

"Botanical-dendrological Rambles" [text in German] - by Veit Dörken & Annette Höggemeier, 2009

"Der Botanische Garten Bochum beherbergt mit ca. 15.000 Pflanzenarten eine der größten Sammlungen Deutschlands. Auf rund 13 ha Freilandfläche werden 1.200 Gehölzarten überwiegend in einem geobotanischen Kontext kultiviert. Das Konzept des Freilandes ist im 2004 erschienenen Gartenführer "Botanischer Garten der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Konzept und Themen des Freilandes in 75 Tafeln" vorgestellt und zwar so, wie es der Besucher vor Ort mit Hilfe der zahlreichen Informationstafeln entdecken kann. Dieser nun vorliegende Freilandgartenführer ist ausdrücklich dendrologisch orientiert: er stellt einzelne interessante oder sehr selten kultivierte Arten oder Gruppen vor und möchte diese dem Besucher näher bringen."

"Bochum Botanic Garden houses about 15.000 plant species, one of the largest collections in Germany. On an area of 13 hectares, 1.200 woody plants are grown and arranged largely according to their geographical origin. The concept of the outdoor area was explained in our 2004 guidebook "Botanic Garden of the Ruhr-University Bochum, concept and topics of the outdoor in 75 interpetation panels". This guide book is focussed on the woody plants in the collection: it presents interesting and rarely cultivated species or groups making them more accessible to visitors."

Price: 10,00 €

The first years [in German]

The first years

A personal chronicle to mark the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Ruhr-Universität Bochum

By Karl Esser, 2015

‘Karl Esser describes these early years as the most interesting time of his life, in which a close-knit community had only one goal: to build the Ruhr-Universität into an internationally recognised institution. Anyone who immerses themselves in this period quickly realises how modern and far-sighted the founding generation's ideas for the development of the Ruhr-University were. Much of this remains interesting for the future of the RUB. All the more reason to thank Karl Esser for making this construction phase come alive for present and future generations with his publication ‘The First Years’ in time for the anniversary.’

[from the foreword by Prof Dr Elmar Weiler]

Preis: 5,00 €